As a CSA, when a crime is reported to you, you have the responsibility to promptly report the details of the incident to the university. We encourage the reporting of all criminal activity to the campus police at 9-1-1 or 209-228-2677. UCMPD will ensure that the crime statistic is appropriately classified for Clery Act purposes and will assess whether or not a Timely Warning needs to be issued. If the reporting party does not want to report to the campus police department, the CSA is still obligated to report the incident to the campus Clery Coordinator online using the CSA Report Form. CSAs must report in this manner regardless of police involvement. Prompt reporting is vital to campus safety.
The CSA Report Form allows the victim/survivor to remain confidential unless the victim/survivor provides permission to document identifying information OR permission for the police to investigate the incident.
If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue actions within the UC Merced system or the criminal justice system, you are encouraged to consider filing a confidential report for purposes of inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics at The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure your safety and the safety of others. With this information, the university can keep an accurate record of the number of incidents involving students, faculty, and staff, determine where there is a pattern of crime regarding a particular location, method, or assailant, and alert the campus community to potential danger. Please note that if others witnessed the crime, they may report independently to a non-confidential reporting source on campus who may have a duty to act.
Talking to Students
When a student reports a crime, it is important to let them know about your role as a CSA and your responsibility to report crimes to the campus Clery Coordinator. Explain that the university is required to track crime statistics and, in certain cases, take steps to warn the campus community about serious or continuing threats to the community. Although the crime victim’s name will not be published with annual crime statistics or disclosed in an alert, you can offer to withhold their name from your report. If the reporter would like the crime to be investigated, offer to help them make a report to campus police (and the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) for cases of sexual violence). When appropriate, refer students who have been impacted by crime to support resources such as the Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE) and Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) offices.